Αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκομαι στην Σουηδία στα
πλαίσια ενός προγράμματος ανταλλαγής φοιτητών. Μιλώντας με παιδιά απο άλλες
χώρες διαπίστωσα οτι έχουν μια αντίληψη ότι η Ελλάδα είναι κάτι σαν την
Ουγκάντα, και ότι προσπαθούν να μας σώσουν κλπ. Έτσι αποφάσισα να σηκώσω στο
ιστολόγιο μου ένα κείμενο, για το πώς αντιλαμβάνεται ένας νέος Έλληνας την
παρούσα κατάσταση, για να ευαισθητοποιηθούν οι ξένοι σχετικά με το Ελληνικό
The Modern Thermopylae
History is a strange thing, indeed. It has the
annoying habit to repeat itself. The historical repetition may appear
transformed, either with different people or with altered context than the
original fact, but the story remains the same. The battle of Thermopylae is the
historical event that affirms the rule, in regard with the Greek debt crisis.
During that battle, 300 Spartans stood their ground, and fought against the
hordes of Persia, with the certainty of death not proving enough to discourage
them, in their struggle to secure the freedom of Greece and the safety of their
homes and families. They were led by a magnificent leader, Leonidas, under whose
banner the Spartans fought heroically. The Spartans may have won the battle if
it wasn't for Efialtes, a traitor who showed the Persians a path that led them
behind the Spartans' lines.
How is this related to the Greek
Due to the debt crisis, the Greeks were
summoned to fight to save their country. Once again they answered to their call
of duty to defend their homeland, and they fought like heroes. Greeks during the
last two years, for a debt that was caused by corrupted politicians, suffered
massive cuts on salaries, pensions, have been deprived of many fundamental
rights, by losing many advantages that consolidate the social obligation of a
democratic society against its citizens. Most importantly, the Greeks were
deprived of their pride and their dignity, after being insulted many times by
foreign mass media, and politicians and sometimes by their own government.
Greeks fought at first with their government in order to rescue the Greek
economy. When the Greeks realized that their government was not striving to save
Greece, but our loan givers, when they realized that their government was a
modern Efialtes, they started a fight against the puppets of the IMF. Then the
police violence and the suppression of peaceful demonstrations, became an
everyday phenomenon. Many videos show undercover policemen dressed up as
hooligans, causing widespread damage to shops, and cars, making Athens a
warzone. The suppression went on, by framing innocent people, by spraying
everyone with chemicals, even an 85-year old symbol of Resistance against the
German occupation.
Greeks continue to suffer; the austerity
measures still impose, leading Greeks to unacceptable levels of poverty with the
homeless people increasing in a frenzy rate, and people having to stand in lines
for some crubles. Is this your way of interpreting the term "rescue"? Is this
what you call "Europe"? Greeks don't feel rescued. Greeks feel betrayed,
humiliated, angry and actually bankrupt. If you disagree, I challenge you to
search for a job in Greece, and if you succeed which is highly unlikely, I then
challenge you to make ends meet, with Greece's new basic salary (approximately
400 euros). We lost everything we had, and still Greece will face
Sir Winston Churchill said that: "Hence
we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like
We would really have no problem to suffer all
these, even for a debt that was not created by us, if the sacrifices we made,
were indeed to save our country. They are unfortunately fruitless, since the
only efforts made by our state, is to sell out our country. People in Greece
treat the politicians as traitors. The reason is simple. The word “Greek” used
to lie next to terms like “Philosophy”, “Democracy”, “Theater”, “Arts”,
“Revolution”. Now it lies only next to “Debt”. Another reason that Greeks are
betrayed, is that the politicians have created a system, through which they can
embezzle money, and never face any consequence. Is it reasonable, in a state
that corruption is evident, that nobody is liable for these crimes?
It is an irony that democracy dies in the state that it was born. The IMF and the EU, behave as the modern colonial powers. They demand of the political parties to commit that they will impose the measures of the memoranda, and that they will continue the ongoing policy. WHAT IS THE POINT OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS IF WE ARE NOT ABLE TO CHANGE ECONOMIC POLICY? This road is mistaken. It has been followed in many countries and it failed with disastrous effects for the countries that implemented measures imposed by the international organizations. They create debts, by giving loans to states that cannot repay them, and then using the international organisations, set impossible salvation goals, so that the countries seem like constantly failing. The goals the IMF set for Greece, were unrealistic, and even if they were realistic, they were on the wrong direction, since the austerity measures, stopped the fund fluctuation in the market, with the consequent reduction of incoming funds of the State.
People of the world, in this fight for
democracy, in this fight for freedom and independence we want you on our side.
We don't want your pity. We don't want your mercy. We need you on our side to
fight together. We are the nation that overturned the political status of the
world by establishing democracy. . When the birthplace of the finest
civilization the world ever experienced, the country to which we ought what
makes life superior and more beautiful, faces such an attack, the place of all
real people is by her side. (Henry Miller)
We led by example, we gave you the light; we showed you the way to think and the way to fight. Now it's your turn!
If you don't want to fight on our side, as an amortization of the debt the world owes to the Greeks, just realize that Greece is now an ongoing experiment. When they are done with us, they will need some new toys. And then you will want us on your side ,as we will have the experience to help you fight the capitalistic forces of enslavement. If the people of the world don't unite, then we endanger the rights earned since the age of French Revolution. Capitalism enslaves many countries with the army of austerity and police violence. Solidarity is no longer an option. It is a duty.
We will emerge victorious once again. Against
all odds, as we always did, we will overthrow this tyranny, with or without you.
The enemy is united by profit. We must be united by solidarity and the will for
freedom and self-determination. In these Thermopylae, there is no room for
Efialtes. It's only us, and a historical duty for resistance.
"First Greece taught us that free men
can be brave, and that no defeat is meant to last forever." (Albert
Liberté, égalité, fraternité for a
world that belongs to its people.
Spiros Papadas
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